Baroque donkey

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Country Austria, A
Synonyms Barockesel, Österreichisch-Ungarischer Albinoesel, Österreichisch-Ungarischer Weißer Esel, Austro-Hungarian Albino,
Use (country) Attraction, Stable Companion, Breeding, Pet, Trekking, Riding, Therapy, Carriage driving
Description This special donkey was bred by rich estate owners of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Baroque, as an imitation of the white horses. They are of finer phy-sique than pigmented donkeys and susceptible to diseases. Their reproduction rate is also low. These facts make breeding difficult. Genom-analysis are in progress (Forschungsgut Kremesberg), An international herdbook is planned. Breeding groups are in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary. colour: pale yellow (=pale form of flavism), skin is not pigmented, eyes are blue.
This special donkey was bred by rich estate owners of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Baroque. White coloured animals were very special in these days. In fact the colour is cream-white and called “cremello” The skin is not pigmented, eyes are blue. The animals are no albinos but a form of flavist. The Austrian association “Verein zur Erhaltung der Weißen Barockesel”, works on an international herdbook in order to cross-link breeders in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary and Spain to preserve an as wide genpool as possible.
Stock Numbers (2004): total: ca. 300-400 animals
(2020): total 338, mares: 205, sires: 133
Risk Status critical maintained
Conservation Programme Yes
Contact Nationalpark Neusiedler See, Dr. Kurt Kirchberger
Source of information Verein zur Erhlatung des weissen Barockesel; Mag. Katharina Zoufal; zoufal



Institutions in Austria:  
Institution Verein zur Erhaltung der Weissen Barockesel
Use (institution) Traction, Riding, Pet
Contact person in the institution Sekretary: Mag. Katharina Zoufal;