Ane des Pyrénées

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Country France, F
Synonyms Pyrénéen, Pyrenean
Use (country) Attraktion, Pack, Stable Companion, Breeding, Mule production, Milk, Cosmetics, Therapy, Pet, Trekking, Riding
Description Originally used for mule breeding and bred as working animal. It is found in the Gascogne as well as the Pyrenean Mountains. It has a lively, hot tempered and alert character. This large donkey has a thin and straight body with an average head size, profile is straight or concave, long, thin upright ears and fine limbs. Colour: black to dark red or brown. Rims of eyes, oxters, belly, and inside legs pale to white. Short haired: height at withers 120 cm to over 135 cm
Stock Numbers (2014) Total: 227, sires: 37, mares: 190 (FAO)
(2020) Total: 1632, sires 683, mares: 949
Risk Status critical
Conservation Programme Yes
Contact Association nationale des eleveurs d´Anes et de Mules des pyrénées, Thierry Rabier, Président: Chemin Arboulet - 64400 Estos, Tél : 0033-(0)870 503 322, Web:


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