Asino Asinara

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Country Italy, I
Synonyms Asino biancho di Asinara, Asino Albino dellŽAsinara Asino dellŽAsinara, Albinotischer Zwergesel
Description The autochthonous breed of Asinara, an island off the North West coast of Sardinia is similar to the Asino Sardo. A special attribute of the Asino Asinara is the white colour of the coat. They live wild in small groups on the island. In contrast to all other donkey breeds, Asinara donkeys are less sure-footed. The origin of the breed is not clear: It is suggested, that the Asinara donkey originated from white asses imported from Egypt around 1800 by the Duke of Asinara. But also there are suggestions, that it was developed during the Baroque or Roccoco. Height: 80 - 105 cm Weight: 80-90 kg. The mouth is pink, eyes are pink – light blue, which may be an effect of an incomplete albinism.
Stock Numbers Total (2013): 128, HB register: mares: 17 , sires: 6
Risk Status critical maintained
Conservation Programme Yes
Contact Contact: AIA, Via Tomassetti 9, 00161 Roma, Tel.: 0039-(0)6/8545 13 08, Fax: 0039-(0)6/44 24 92 86, E-mail:, Web: http// , R.A.R.E. (Razze autoctone a Rischio di Estinzione), Riccardo Fortina, Corso G, Agnelli 32, I-10137 Torino, E-mail:, Internet:
Source of information DAD-ID Database FAO:
Hyperlink http//


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