Asinina Catalana

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Country Spain, E
Synonyms Vich, Catalana, Catalán, Ausetan, Catalana, Katalanischer Riesen-Esel, Catalan, Ane catalan, Catalonian Donkey, Catalonian
Use (country) Attraktion, Stable Companion, Breeding, Mule protection, Milk, Meat, Therapy, Pet, Trekking, Riding
Description Description: Height at withers: 1.36m, weight: 350kg. Elongated harmonically conformation: Colour: black, with characteristic shades on the muzzle, around the eyes, on belly and legs. The shade varies with the seasons. The ears are very mobile, mostly upright. Large-sized and elongated animals with a concave profile. The breed is known for its longevity and sexual prowess.
Stock Numbers (2018)Total: 718, sires: 246, mares: 472
(2020)Total: 966, sires: 369, mares: 597
Risk Status endangered
Conservation Programme yes
Contact : Asociación para el fomento de la Raza Asinina Catalana (AFRAC), C/ Rotes, 48, 01780 Banyoles, Provincia Girona, Tel.: 972 57 48 05, Isabel García Sanz, Secretaria General de Agricultura, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesa y alimentación, Phone:+34-(913)-476612-13, Fax: +34-(913)-476671


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