Asno de las Encartaciones

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Country Spain, E
Synonyms Las Encartaciones
Description Las Encartaciones (Viscaya, Basque provs, Spain), black, grey, white or chestnut, The distribution area of Asno de las Encartaciones is in the north-western part of Spain (Biskaya up to Cantabria). This breed was used as a draught animal in the villages. Mechanisation of agriculture led to nearly extinction of the asno de las Encartationes. Today they are still used as reminiscence of the traditional image of the Basque small villages. This donkey breed plays an important role in the traditional basque agriculture and pasturing. They are about 120 cm wither height
Stock Numbers Total(2018) 246 sires: 45 mares 242 (FAO)
Risk Status critical
Conservation Programme yes
Contact Asociación de defensa del Asno de las Encartaciones (ADEBUEN), Euskal abereak San Miguel 11-1º, 48200 Garai, Provincia Bizkaia, Tel.: 946 79 80 02, Fax: 946 79 80 04


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